Epitaxiae duo genera sunt: homogenea et heterogenea. Ut machinas SiC cum specificis resistentia et aliis parametris ad diversas applicationes producendas, subiectae condiciones epitaxiae occurrere debent antequam productio incipiat. Qualitas epitaxy afficit artificium effectum.
Lege plusIn semiconductor fabrication, etching is one of the major steps, along with photolithography and thin-film deposition. It involves removing unwanted materials from the surface of a wafer using chemical or physical methods. This step is carried out after coating, photolithography, and developing. It ......
Lege plusSubstratum SiC defectus microscopicos habere potest, ut Threading Screw Dislocation (TSD), Dislocation Edge (TED), Base Plane Luxatio (BPD), et alii. Hi defectus causantur ex deviationibus in ordine atomorum in gradu atomico. Crystalla SiC etiam dislocationes macroscopicas habere possunt, sicut incl......
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